We don't just talk. We act.

Change begins in the mind and ends with action.

We have no shortage of ideas. And we have already proven many times in the past that we can implement them. We not only know what we want. We also know how to do it:


In the current legislative period, we were able to bring about a whole bunch of essential improvements that did not exist before and for which we had to fight – even against resistance in the StuPa. All of this was only possible because we fought for it and did not allow ourselves to be diverted from our justified concerns by opposition that was primarily aimed at maintaining the long-standing status quo.

  • NEW: Own Moodle course for all individual student councils
  • NEW: Own Moodle course for documents of the student bodies FSK, AStA, StuPa, Election Committee, and Election Review Committee and filling it (will be published soon)
  • NEW: Creation of a self-administered mailing list (without detours via secretariats) for all FSVs to communicate directly with their fellow students.
  • NEW: Access to student council mailing lists in student councils not staffed with FSV’ and the Alle-Studis mailing list for the FSK
  • NEW: Generation and provision of EUF logos to all FSV’.
  • NEW: Own EvaSys account for autonomous generation and implementation of surveys
  • NEW: Publication of all minutes, motions and resolutions
  • Compliance with all legal regulations!  Yes, that sounds weired, but that’s how it is. Therefore:
  • NEW: Acquisition of a specialist lawyer for the legal induction of all new office bearers after the election and their preparation (thankfully, a resolution was passed in the AStA).
  • NEW: Taking over the password reset order and distribution of the new mail passwords to the FSV’ from the AStA. This will enable uninterrupted access to mailboxes
  • Formulation of a statement on the amendment to the Higher Education Act (in very good cooperation with the AStA Executive Board), so that sustainability and freer self-organisation play a more significant role in the future.
  • Multiple FSKs to prepare the FSV’ for the freshmen and the special features under Corona conditions
  • Greater networking/better exchange of ideas among the FSV’
  • Retention of the possibility for student councils to continue to run their own treasuries
  • Early involvement of candidates for the FSV elections

We did all this out of the drive to represent the interests of the student representatives in the best possible way and to bring about improvements everywhere so that everyone has good conditions for their work.

  • Establishment of a completely new Program Student Council
  • Organisation of 50 fellow students to a specialist conference in Jena (travel, accommodation, participation)
  • Setup of an in-house “library” with literature available from fellow students
  • Entering all existing literature of the Institute
  • “Takeover” of allotment garden
  • AStA Officer for Program Student Council Affairs
  • Membership of the StuPa constitution committee
  • Very extensive activity in the constitution committee, especially for the successful amendment of the election regulations (was necessary to make them legally compliant)
  • Formulation and design of all documents and forms for the Election Committee/Election Review Committee
  • Extensive training and support for the Election Committee and Election Review Committee
  • Membership of the StuPa Finance Committee
  • Membership of the Senate’s Central Budget and Planning Committee
  • Founding member of the association “Campus Marketing Flensburg / CAMPUSLife” and long-standing chair of its board
  • Founding member and member of the board of “Transformatives Denk- und Machwerk
  • Formulation of the statutes of the aforementioned non-profit associations and handling of communication with the registry court and tax office
  • Membership in the association ROCK YOUR LIFE! Flensburg (RYL)
  • Mentor in the work with pupils for educational justice and equal opportunities at RYL

As listed above under “Extracurricular”, the Campus Marketing Flensburg / CAMPUSLife association existed for many years with the goal of making more out of the rather unique “campus in the green”, beyond the university boundaries and always true to the motto “By students for students”. Below you can see the most striking figures from this time. The association is currently dormant, but our goal is to bring it back to life from within the EUF student body. Just click on “CAMPUSLife” and you will be taken to the association’s Facebook page, where the many pictures will give you a very good impression of what the association was able to achieve. You will see that something like this is missing in Flensburg for students! Let’s bring is back to live, uh, life. 🙂


students moved inspired with our events


volunteers convinced to participate over a period of nine years


record student attendance at a CAMPUSBowl in the Flens Arena


of working hours by volunteers organised and coordinated